Alternator Electrical noise and Belts?

Huw Powell audi at
Thu Aug 7 00:46:24 EDT 2003

> One, what kind of alternator belts are you guys using?

Continental.  Chewed through a couple of random non-metric belts, got
the *right* conti, used it for years.

>  I’m on belt #4 in the last month, ...  I threw
> that at 6800 rmps in third gear last month.

My coupe will only let me go about 6600, but I've done it no problem.
The 90Q apparently doesn't care what I do and has given me no trouble up
to 7k or so.

Are you really, really sure the pulleys are lined up right, and burr-free?

> Two, what causes alternator noise?  I’ve replaced my
> brushes and voltage regulator with no luck.  Do I just
> need a new one?  Mine’s 205,000 miles old.  I realized
> it’s the cause of all my electrical system noise when
> my O2 gauge went silent once the belt came off today.
> The gauge is grounded to the IM.

You might try opening it up again and buffing/abrading/whatever the
copper contacts on the rotor.

My coupe alternator has 308,000 miles on it.  I get 60-80,000 miles on a
set of brushes and I like to replace the belt every 40,000 miles or so,
whether it needs it or not.

But all I'm spending my energy on is making the car work as it was built
to, so I spend more time on things like that.  Youse guys are doing sick
little things under the hood that distract you... brm brm

Huw Powell

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