Alternator Electrical noise and Belts?

Jim Green jeg1976 at
Wed Aug 6 21:54:18 EDT 2003

--- Huw Powell <audi at> wrote:
> > One, what kind of alternator belts are you guys
> using?
> Continental.  Chewed through a couple of random
> non-metric belts, got
> the *right* conti, used it for years.

Yea, I have another one of those that I'll try again

> >  I’m on belt #4 in the last month, ...  I threw
> > that at 6800 rmps in third gear last month.
> My coupe will only let me go about 6600, but I've
> done it no problem.
> The 90Q apparently doesn't care what I do and has
> given me no trouble up
> to 7k or so.
> Are you really, really sure the pulleys are lined up
> right, and burr-free?

I'm really sure, but not really really sure.  I never
checked for burrs, I may have dinged it with my
screwdriver trying to pry the too-small gas station
belt on.

> You might try opening it up again and
> buffing/abrading/whatever the
> copper contacts on the rotor.

Ahh, good idea.

> But all I'm spending my energy on is making the car
> work as it was built
> to, so I spend more time on things like that.  Youse
> guys are doing sick
> little things under the hood that distract you...
> brm brm

No kidding, I can't wait to get some time to bring the
rest of the car up to speed, although it is pretty
well sorted for the most part, just need to chase down
a few electrical gremlins.

Thanks Huw,

Jim Green
'89 90tq 034EFI Stage II

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