5000TQ still no start..... solved

denis sparkplugvw at hotmail.com
Thu Aug 7 23:06:58 EDT 2003

Finally, i got the problem.

- Ground wire between starter and solenoide scrap
- little wire to the solenoide plug in the wrong connector.
- Alternator jammed in rust (bearing)

- idle control,, unit bypass not working,, the engine rev at 2000RPM when
engine warm...

NOW.... bearing sounds......seems the clutch bearing or something,,, i m not
familiar with that Quattro sounds...

Thnaks all for replies


> denis writes:
> > Someone can help me to start somewhere ?
> > The fuel pump suppose to run when i put a fuse on the bypass terminal on
the top of the relay,,, but nothing happen, i have to remove the relay and
bypass with a wire on the pump terminal.

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