is tehere easy way...

Timofej H. Crift timofej.crift at
Thu Aug 7 23:40:14 EDT 2003

I have gone through this too many times so I guess its time for my $.02.
For one not willing to cut out the center support or drop the assembly after
removing the subframe, remove as much as you can off the front of the

This is from memory and probably not totally complete.  These are only major
items and not all of them, only the big pieces that make maneuvering the
engine out "easier". There are countless wire vacuum hoses, etc. that need
to go too.

1. Drain oil and coolant and remove the radiator
2. Remove the alternator
3. Remove the PS pump and tie it away (no need to remove the hoses)
4. Remove the A/C compressor and tie it away (no need to remove the hoses)
*Reminisce about that 1978 911 that only has 4 bolts securing the drivetrain
and common harness connectors making it easy (no quotes) to remove the
5. Remove the front engine mount (bump stop) You may need to remove the A/C
6. Remove the timing belt cover, lower cover and front crank pulley
7. Detach drive axles and tie away, (may need to separate at ball joint, I
have had lucky occasions where I didn't, and others where I did. It probably
depended on how loose the suspension was.
*Reminisce about that 1978 911 that only has 4 bolts securing the drivetrain
and common harness connectors making it easy (no quotes) to remove the
8. Remove starter and shift linkage and unbolt trans from engine. Leave a
couple bolts loose but in.
9. Support trans. and unbolt trans mounts. There is 1 subframe bolt that
needs to be loosened but not removed to swing a cross support out of the
10. Remove the last 2 bolts and slide trans rearward so input shaft clears
clutch housing.  You may realize that the tie bracket needs to be removed
from the steering rack.
11. Support engine with a hoist. Remove nuts securing engine to rubber
12. Make sure you removed everything I forgot to mention above.
*Reminisce about that 1978 911 that only has 4 bolts securing the drivetrain
and common harness connectors making it easy (no quotes) to remove the
13. Lift engine off of mounts and stop there.  Make sure that nothing is
catching or still attached that needs to go.  There are CIS connectors
everywhere, vacuum hoses in most places, fuel injector lines in others, and
electrical connections someplace else.  Double check that they are free.
BTW, don't forget the exhaust downpipe.
14. The important part that makes it easier to get out...Remove the LH motor
mount bracket. You can clear a lot of things without that on.
15. Crank away, continuing to check that nothing was missed until it is free
and clear.

*Reminisce about that 1978 911 that only has 4 bolts securing the drivetrain
and common harness connectors making it easy (no quotes) to remove the

That's my "easy" way.  Recommendations that save time are greatly


Tim Crift

'84 CGT
'88 80
'95 90
'99 A8
00 time for fun

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-admin at [mailto:quattro-admin at]On
Behalf Of Per Lindgren
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2003 8:16 PM
To: audi at
Cc: Quattro List
Subject: Re: is tehere easy way...

But what if one simply *refuses* to cut the front end of his low-mileage
Cq (turned 114.000 kms yesterday), and thinks that it is too much work
to drop the engine/tranny/subframe down? I am very reluctant to cutting
the front end of my car, but the KV is going out and the MC is going in,
even if I have to remove/install piece by piece!
87 Cq

Huw Powell wrote:

>> pull this awful long 5 cyl engine out of typ85?
> No, not really, but cutting out the center support helps a lot:
> --
> Huw Powell

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