Help! Dry Clutch!!

Pat Korach tm2 at
Fri Aug 15 15:27:55 EDT 2003


I just did my MC 2 weeks ago.
I bled the it by cracking open the line going
to the slave.  Press down on the peddle and
close before letting up on the peddle.  Took
about 50 of these before the peddle became
hard and all the air was out of the system.
Worked like a champ.  I put a bunch of paper towls underneath to catch the
coming out of the MC.  Also kept the
resevoir full.  This does not bleed old
fluid out of the slave cylinder but it gets
the air out of the MC.
 Hope this helps

Pat Korach
Kirkland, WA
89 200tq
----- Original Message -----
From: "jason snider" <jason_chad at>
To: <quattro at>
Sent: Friday, August 15, 2003 9:31 AM
Subject: Help! Dry Clutch!!

> [ Converted text/html to text/plain ]
> Hey guys,
>    Yesterday I attempted to put on 4 new brakes and a new master cylinder
> my '86 5ktq. First, I did the MC. I bench bled it and put it on the car.
> I began to pressure bleed the slave. I had the bleed jar sitting on top of
> engine (wasn't higher than the reservoir). The slave seemed to bleed fine.
> cracked open the bleeder and my helper applied pressure (~10 psi) until I
> didn't get bubbles. Then I shut the valve. But when I checked the clutch
> went straight to the floor and didn't come back!!! So I decided to bleed
> again. Applied pressure...opened the bleeder and some fluid came out. Once
> that small amount came out no more would; not even air. I even took the
> bleeder completely out---nothing. So I went ahead and put my G60's, new
> stainless lines, drilled rotors, rear vented setup, and new rear end
links. I
> tried to bleed the clutch again today and got some fluid after pumping the
> brakes, but still no clutch. This is the first time I've tried a job like
> this...hope I didn't break something!
> TIA!
> Jason
> '86 5ktq
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