chance for a V8Q

Mike Arman armanmik at
Sun Aug 17 16:29:19 EDT 2003

Have a chance to buy a V8Q at what I think is a right price . . .

Local car dealer has it, he claims to know nothing about it - he did have a
90 a few months ago which was severely overpriced, but the numbers on this
appear good.

Build date 6/89, looks pretty good.

Now my questions - bomb check same as earlier type 44? Price of a V8Q bomb?
(is this the same part as the late 5K type 44 bomb?)

Shows 139,000 miles, and of course no service history, how much time,
trouble and money is involved in changing the timing belt?

Any special problems with the auto tranny?

Any special gotchas on these cars? What to look for, what to avoid, any

Does the 5K DaLan trailer hitch fit?

I have a set of A4 six spoke sport wheels, 16", five bolt, with practically
new tires - do these wheels fit?

Comments appreciated, I'm going to see the guy tomorrow.

Best Regards,

Mike Arman

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