Custom Tranny Gears

Eric eric_audi.ql at
Tue Aug 19 14:08:59 EDT 2003

The company I work for sells custom spiral bevel gear sets among other
things.  I don't know how much helical gearsets cost, but if it is
similar I would say it is nearly unobtanium.  I have not been inside a
quattro box, but I have been in VW 4 and 5 speed FWD units.  They have
not only the gear cut on the outside, but a spline on the side of most
and the teeth and shoulder the synco rides on and meshes with.  It is a
very specialized part.

You best chance is probably trying to find an existing gearset you can
swap in.  Gears within VW stuff swap around through years and to some
extent generations.  A real common VW swap is to put a 5th gear out of a
base model car into a GTI to get better highway crusing (I tried it and
switched it back).

Does anyone on the list have experience with interchangeability between
years of quattro or even between VW group tranmissions?  It is an
interesting thought.

Eric Sanborn
4kq (turbonium addition in process)

Dave Hord wrote:

>The 90q rally project is in desperate need of a tranny rebuild.  2nd gear
>syncro has been going for a long time and I pretty much destroyed the third
>gear syncro in our last event...complete with metal shavings coming out the
>drain plug when I drained the fluid.
>Since I'm either going to have to drop the box and put another tranny in, or
>drop the box and open this one up, I've been thinking about a close-ratio
>As far as I know anything made by 'Audisport' would be unobtanium...if such a
>thing ever existed.
>Anyone know where I can get custom gearing cut? Anyone ever had it done? Group
>Buy, anyone!?!
>86 4ksq 266,600km new to me as of March 5th 2003... will it stick around??
>89 90q  330,000km as of Feb 26th.
>Rally Conversion...perpetually in progress...
>Roll cage shots available at:

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