Custom Tranny Gears

David duandcc_forums at
Tue Aug 19 15:17:16 EDT 2003

On this same line, are there any compatable 5th gears I could swap into my CGT that would lower my RPM while cruising on the highway? I'm not worried about loosing acceleration in 5th as I only use 5th for real highway crusing and would just downshift to 4th...

1987.5 CGT 2.3
SE Virginia
> From: Eric <eric_audi.ql at>
> Date: 2003/08/19 Tue PM 01:08:59 EDT
> To: Dave Hord <spokes at>
> CC: quattro at
> Subject: Re: Custom Tranny Gears
> The company I work for sells custom spiral bevel gear sets among other
> things.  I don't know how much helical gearsets cost, but if it is
> similar I would say it is nearly unobtanium.  I have not been inside a
> quattro box, but I have been in VW 4 and 5 speed FWD units.  They have
> not only the gear cut on the outside, but a spline on the side of most
> and the teeth and shoulder the synco rides on and meshes with.  It is a
> very specialized part.
> You best chance is probably trying to find an existing gearset you can
> swap in.  Gears within VW stuff swap around through years and to some
> extent generations.  A real common VW swap is to put a 5th gear out of a
> base model car into a GTI to get better highway crusing (I tried it and
> switched it back).
> Does anyone on the list have experience with interchangeability between
> years of quattro or even between VW group tranmissions?  It is an
> interesting thought.
> Eric Sanborn
> 4kq (turbonium addition in process)
> Dave Hord wrote:
> >The 90q rally project is in desperate need of a tranny rebuild.  2nd gear
> >syncro has been going for a long time and I pretty much destroyed the third
> >gear syncro in our last event...complete with metal shavings coming out the
> >drain plug when I drained the fluid.
> >
> >Since I'm either going to have to drop the box and put another tranny in, or
> >drop the box and open this one up, I've been thinking about a close-ratio
> >transmission.
> >
> >As far as I know anything made by 'Audisport' would be unobtanium...if such a
> >thing ever existed.
> >
> >Anyone know where I can get custom gearing cut? Anyone ever had it done? Group
> >Buy, anyone!?!
> >
> >:-)
> >
> >-Dave
> >
> >--
> >86 4ksq 266,600km new to me as of March 5th 2003... will it stick around??
> >89 90q  330,000km as of Feb 26th.
> >Rally Conversion...perpetually in progress...
> >Roll cage shots available at:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

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