HELP NEEDED: 5kT front strut removal

Livolsi, Stephane Stephane.Livolsi at
Wed Aug 27 15:56:18 EDT 2003

I've done this a number of times (unfortunately) and never really had
problems as you describe.

However, if I did, my solution, and this is just me talking, would be to get
out the handy dandy dremel with the biggest cutoff wheel I can find and just
cut that nut off .  Doesn't matter if you cut into the strut as you are
replacing it anyway and shouldn't be too hard to get another nut - actually
I think replacement struts come with the nuts.



> ----------
> From: 	Ameer Antar[SMTP:antar at]
> Sent: 	August 27, 2003 1:23 PM
> To: 	Quattro List
> Subject: 	HELP NEEDED: 5kT front strut removal
> I'm looking for some advice on removing the struts from their strut
> housings on my '85 5kT. I've already removed the assemblies from the car
> and have the springs compressed to release the pressure on the spring
> seats and lock nut. The problem is that I'm having a lot of trouble
> getting the upper locknut off. I'm just using a hex key w/ a pipe over it
> and a combination wrench on the nut. It just won't break loose. It seems
> like it'll take a lot of force to do it, but the setup I'm using is
> difficult to apply lots of torque. Do I have to buy that expensive special
> tool to remove and install the strut? I was hoping I could get away w/o
> it. If I got my hands on some air tools, would that help? I know there are
> many of you who have already done this, so any BTDT's would be great.
> Thanks a bunch.
> -Ameer

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