Engine Soft Code for 200hp, 2.8l, Audi A6 with Manual Transmission?

Stephen Kormilo stephen at kormilo.ca
Mon Dec 1 11:15:51 EST 2003

At 11:24 PM 30/11/03 +0100, Mihnea Cotet wrote:

 >That engine (2.8l 30v) produced 193 HP exactly. If you give me your ECU 
number, I can try to find a chip that would work in your ECU.

I was under the impression that the 2.8 in the A6 delivered ~200hp, or is 
the 193hp a DIN value?

Anyway, I am looking for the soft code in order to try to increase the HP 
of my son's 2001.5 A4, 2.8, 5-speed from 190 to 200 (cheap Christmas 
present ;-).  Several people have indicated that it's just a matter of 
recoding the engine controller with the code of the A6 to increase the 
HP.  Unfortunately, he is located in Ottawa, so I would not be able to get 
the ECU number until after we get there on Dec. 19th.

I'm not sure what you mean by "find a chip that would work in your ECU". I 
understood that the process simply involved changing the ECU soft code, 
which I can do using my VAG-COM, not the chip itself.

Stephen Kormilo
Winnipeg, MB

Silver 2002 Audi A4 3.0QM
Now departed:   Silver '98.5 Audi A4 2.8QM
                            Black '85 Mazda Rx7 GSL-SE

email: skormilo at rrc.mb.ca
           stephen at kormilo.ca

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