The inline 5 is back! and it's mexican

David duandcc_forums at
Mon Dec 1 12:48:32 EST 2003

According to the info I got, it is a DOHC engine, and Pasquale's note that the "The volume for this engine which
is assembled by VW Mexico (city of Puebla)is 180,000
engines with a possible increase to 250,000 engines.
(x2 for camshaft volume)" seems to confirm this (the point of 2x for camshaft volume). I've never heard of a 2 valve per cylinder DOHC engine, so I am assuming this will be a 20V engine. I was also told that this engine is vastly underpowered at 150hp leaving large amounts of room for power growth in the future, much like with the 1.8T & 2.0T. Remember that this is the BASE engine, taking place of the 2.0 (2.slow) which puts out only 115 hp, so it is indeed a big upgrade in power. 

87.5 CGT 2.3
SE Virginia
From: Alan Pritchard <apritchard at>
Date: 2003/12/01 Mon AM 11:05:35 EST
CC: quattro at
Subject: RE: The inline 5 is back! and it's mexican

Wow, so, is it a 10v still? I hope it is with only 150bhp. It's a very low
power for such a large displacement.... I can't see it doing well in
Europe.... Unless of course it were a diesel.......

 -----Original Message-----
From: 	pasquale pilato [mailto:pasqualep99 at] 
Sent:	01 December 2003 16:00
To:	Todd Young; maytag
Cc:	quattro at
Subject:	Re: The inline 5 is back! and it's mexican

> maytag wrote:
> >  >I'm inclined to believe it will be the VR5, not
> an actual in-line 5.

I work for the company that makes and grinds the
camshafts for this motor.  I am looking at the cams
now and they are straight.  It is a true I-5 (the
project name is R5)  The engine was designed by our
friends in Ingolstadt for use in the new golf, as well
as the Bora (jetta).  The volume for this engine which
is assembled by VW Mexico (city of Puebla)is 180,000
engines with a possible increase to 250,000 engines.
(x2 for camshaft volume) As far as the relation to the
Lambo engine, I'm pretty there is none beyond some
blueprints in Ingolstadt.  Cams are different due to
the VCT and other engine management systems.  The
blanks might be the same, but I am not sure about
that.  We have been doing prototypes with production
coming in the spring.  Thats my story.


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