speaking of shifters on the 88 90Q..
Jim Green
jeg1976 at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 2 13:02:26 EST 2003
--- Matt Evans <matt at mattevans.org> wrote:
> My 88 90Q is very difficult to get into first gear.
> The transmission is
> smooth enough - its a shift lever alignment thing i
> think. Anyone else
> experienced this ? I have to push the shift lever
> VERY far to the left and
> its very very easy to put the car into 3rd instead
> of first.. there's
> perhaps 1-5 degrees of difference between 1st and
> 3rd....
> i haven't had the shifter apart on the car... is
> there a gate plate or other
> mechanism that can be moved around to make this
> alignment better ?
Alighnment is really easy on these, just lift up the
boot and when in neutral make sure there's equal
distance between the two little "ears" on the shifter
that contact the plate when you shift into 1st or 5th.
Also, what tranny lube are you running? Redline
cleared up this issue for me on the 90tq, and when I
get a chance it's going in the 80q because it has the
same symptoms when cold.
Jim Green
'89 80q slow
'89 90tq fast, really fast
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