rear Tie Rods and control arms

Alan Pritchard apritchard at
Thu Dec 4 06:32:48 EST 2003

Whenever I do this job I have a selection of four or five 17 mm spanners.
Some are offset rings, others are just combination spanners. I usually end
up just using the ring on a combination spanner, generally only 1 spanner
ever fits out of the lot. Tighten down as far as possible using the ring,
when you cant get the spanner on the nut, flip it round and use the open end
on the nut, and just angle it. The slot in the subframe will usually hold it
while you do the bolt end up. Not the best way of tightening, but it works.
> Actually, I found it difficult to change the control arms without the
> correct tool.  A 17mm wrench just isn't quire right and most
> combos don't fit.  I suppose one of those high-offset wrenches would do
> trick but I don't have any of those!

a) PLEASE can we trim a bit more?

b) I took four off last weekend and didn't think about it.  A standard
offset ring (box)
spanner (wrench) worked a treat.

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