Spark hop

SuffolkD at SuffolkD at
Fri Dec 5 15:14:30 EST 2003

Not sure if its the actual (spark hop) reason or rumor, but the 3B cap and 
rotor need a narrower tip rotor that is 1K resistance and narrower than the 
readily available one for the 10V 200's.  There was one case of spark hop due to 
this. (having the wider -wrong- rotor on.)
-Scott by BOSTON

In a message dated 12/5/2003 11:35:53 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
quattro-request at writes:

> I personally have never experienced "spark hop", I know of many of the 
> cases in which you refer, I don't think there is conclusive evidence that "spark 
> hop" has ever destroyed a 3B motor (I'd love to see it if there is), I'd 
> consider it more of a theory at this point.
> Javad
> >Agreed,
> >  THere have been quite a few documented cases of spark hop and
> >bent Conn Rods on 3B's that try to push the envelope beyond what
> >

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