MC tweaks

Mihnea Cotet mik at
Sun Dec 7 06:18:38 EST 2003

Thanks for the idea Dan, that's exactly what I was thinking of!

Well, for the $$ there are better improvements, like a wiring harness 
upgrade and changing the ECU for an S4 or RS2 one but some people just 
don't want to bother with this actually....

Thanks again,


At 03:14 7/12/2003 -0800, Dan Cordon wrote:
>I've actually designed something that does this, though I haven't tried
>it on any audis. It basically replaces the distributor cap and rotor.
>Instead of switching the path of the high tension (voltage) lines, it
>does the same for the coil signal line. You feed in the coil trigger
>from the ECU to the center, then distribute that signal to 5 other
>coils. It was relatively simple to make....used a small brass roller on
>the rotor part which contacted a plate with (4 in my case) 5 wide
>contacts (with small gaps between them) that were connected to the
>respective coils. This way, the ECU is still controlling the spark
>timing, but you get the advantages of the coil-on-plug setup.
>All said, it worked great on my Honda, but I've since gone to AEM
>programmable ECU where I have 4 coil outputs. I personally like the new
>system better just because the electronic solution is much slicker than
>my mechanical one. But as a ME, not an EE, I had to work with what I
>know :o)
>Chances are that in most cases this system would be more trouble than
>it's worth. Coil-on-plug is great, but all that custom work would cost
>the customer a ton. I'm sure there's way better improvements for the $$.
> > Mihnea, I don't think so, currently the 3B ECU just fires one coil, it does
> > not have the capacity to fire 3 different coils, so some kind of 
> control unit
> > would have to intercept the 3B ECU coil driver outputs, interpolate it, and
> > then fire 5 seperate drivers, one to each coil.  This isn't probably 
> worth the
> > effort since I'm not aware of any such unit on the market.
> >
> > Javad
> >
> > In a message dated 12/4/2003 12:45:30 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> > mik at writes:
> > Totally agreed with you Javad!
> >
> > Just one question, I know DIS is great and that's why I've upgraded my 3B
> > to RS2 ECU and coil packs but would you mind sharing some thoughts on the
> > feasibility of converting a 3B to coil packs but retaining the original ECU
> > in there with the same ignition control duties? Would there be any way to
> > convert the HT signals into low tension ones to drive 5 coils?
> >
> > Thanks for your thoughts,
> >
> > mihnea
> >
>Dan Cordon
>Mechanical Engineer - Engine Research Facility
>University of Idaho

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