Subject: Re: weak spark on 10v turbo (still not fixed)

SuffolkD at SuffolkD at
Tue Dec 9 01:09:32 EST 2003

In a message dated 12/6/2003 10:55:12 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
quattro-request at writes:

His last post refers to good spark sometimes when key turned.
Is the ignition switch a factor?  
Does it run between the battery and the coil?
Check THAT circuit?

Just a wild guess.
-Scott by BSOTON

> Bad coil wire?  Multiple choice Q.  First I'd check the wire running from
> the coil to the distributor cap.  An if as you say you replaced all other
> plug wires, dist cap and rotor with known good, check the leads going to the
> coil -- broken wire, maybe?  If the coil ain't gettin the juice it can't
> give it.  How about some contact enhancer at the ECU plug (like

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