[s-cars] the COMPLEAT audi tool box? things to add to the holidaywishlist?

Ian Duff iduff at rcn.com
Tue Dec 9 08:55:52 EST 2003

Flipping Microsloth Outhouse. Line breaks got deleted, making my post even
more unreadable than my usual drivel. Here it is with (hopefully) line
-----Original Message-----
Laptop with current and relevant Bentley, VAG-COM, and US and
You're-a-pee'in Family Albums
SJM's paper-clip brain (blink code decoder ring, certainly not a reflection
on Mr Mockry<g>)
18.8v (or higher) cordless impact wrench
Pressure bleeder
Vacuum hose
Brake lines
Previously bedded street and track brake pads
Home Depot intake tract pressure tester

Various difficult-to-find-in-South-Dryhump unopened consumables: Mobil1
10w30 and 20w50, ATE Super Blue, Pentosin, G11 or 12
KY jelly (you get to choose whether to use it for re-installing Michelin Man
hose of for its designed use)
Hose clamps, either T-bolt or constant torque, to hold Michelin Man hose on
after it pops those measly clamps one always uses the first time
A known good used OEM Michelin Man hose, so you can look like a hero when
someone at Paulie K's love fest pops theirs trying to keep up

Zero impedance credit card(s)
AAA card
List of far-flung Audi friends with garages, tools, extra beds and patient
Cell phone

Patience, understanding, forbearance


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