leaking heater core, breathing antifreeze fumes - NOT

Ed Kellock ekellock at adelphia.net
Thu Dec 11 11:42:13 EST 2003

Actually it's barely seeping and has been for years.  If I turn on the fan to 2 or 3, once the heater core warms, the smell is gone in just a couple minutes.  Still that much exposure over the years probably isn't great.  I wasn't aware of the toxicity issue until a year or two ago and really don't drive the CGT that much so I didn't worry about it too much.  I'm using it and the heater daily now and decided it's time to do something about it.

Colorado Springs

From: "superba" <superba at comcast.net>
Date: 2003/12/10 Wed PM 11:32:01 MST
To: <quattro at audifans.com>
Subject: leaking heater core, breathing antifreeze fumes - NOT

Hi Ed,

While you're waiting for an answer to your question of which antifreeze
fumes are more toxic, I strongly suggest that you get 2 pair of needle nose
vice grips and clamp off the coolant to the heater core.  At least until you
can get it replaced.  Not to mention the fogging of your windows unless you
drive with the windows down which might be brisk in CS this time of year.



Jim Jordan

>  Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2003 21:04:58 -0700
>  From: Ed Kellock <ekellock at adelphia.net>
>  Subject: leaking heater core, breathing antifreeze fumes
>  To: <v8 at audifans.com>, <quattro at audifans.com>, <urq at audifans.com>,
>  	<200q20v at audifans.com>
>  Message-ID:
>  	<20031211040458.WFNO13090.mta11.adelphia.net at mail.adelphia.net>
>  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
>  It has been written here previously that antifreeze is toxic and
>  breathing the fumes produced by a leaking heater core can be harmful.
>  My question is: would the fumes be potentially any less or more
>  toxic from an environmentally friendlier coolant such as Sierra
>  or Prestone's similar product?
>  Ed
>  Colorado Springs

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