No Start Problem (A4-1.8)

Bhatti, Mohammed Mohammed.Bhatti at
Mon Dec 15 15:35:06 EST 2003

I'm thinking along your lines some what.  I'll probably hook everything up and fire 'er up.  See what happens.
I've blocked the tranmission lines so that no dirt can get in.  Just wanted to test fire the motor to make sure it came up.
97 A4 1.8tqa

	-----Original Message----- 
	From: Ameer Antar [mailto:antar at] 
	Sent: Mon 12/15/2003 3:30 PM 
	To: Bhatti, Mohammed 
	Cc: Quattro List 
	Subject: Re: No Start Problem (A4-1.8)

	I don't know if this has been answered before, but you'll need coolant in the engine before starting it up. I doubt that it's preventing the motor from starting, but you really need it in there to cool the motor, otherwise it'll blow's not like an air-cooled beetle engine.
	If you haven't hooked up the alternator belt, then maybe the battery is getting weak from trying to start w/ no alternator. That will make the starter spin too slow for it to start. If you really want to avoid hooking the belt up, then you can use jumper cables from a running car to provide the extra juice for start-up. Although I've heard jumping can be risky on the newer cars. I'd take a look at the driver's manual before doing it. There's gotta be some way to do it.
	I'd also connect the tranny lines just so nothing comes out of it, and who knows, there maybe some sensor preventing the motor from starting w/ low tranny fluid pressure. Also it's really not a good idea to leave the lines open in case dirt or sand accidently got in there. That would take a few thousand off the life of the tranny. Look for any other loose connections/wires, and double check fuses are still ok, esp. fuel pump and ECU/ignition. I don't know about the timing belt alignment procedure, but I'd double check that too, or find out from someone experienced w/ that motor. good luck.
	---Original Message---
	Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2003 09:19:22 -0500
	From: "Bhatti, Mohammed" <Mohammed.Bhatti at>
	Subject: No Start Problem
	To: <quattro at>
	        <53325189A027E54A8ED72051B276D8BD323D4A at>
	Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="utf-8"
	Hello all,
	Patient is a 97 A4 1.8tq auto.  In the process of replacing timing belt and water pump.  Situation is as follows:
	- nose of the car is completely off
	- changed front seals
	- new tensioner
	- belt is on
	- water pump changed
	- coolant is drained
	- transmission lines are disconnected
	- no other belts or accessories have been put on yet
	- cam timing mark is aligned to the mark on the engine cover
	- crank is at TDC
	- can turn the engine by hand 2 revs; turns smoothly with no problem
	When I try to start the car, it cranks but won't start.  Question is, should it start up considering that there is no coolant and that the transmission lines and everything else is disconnected or does everything have to be connected for it fire or is there some sensor that I've screwed up?  Where do I go from here?  Hook everything up and try?  Suggestions appreciated?
	BTW, no woodruf key when I changed the seals.  No mention in Bentley about woodruf key either.
	97 A4 1.8tq auto

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