Cannot remove O2 sensor *

Louis-Alain Richard louis-alain.richard at
Mon Dec 15 17:20:45 EST 2003

What you are looking for is this:
around 50$ Canadian.

And buy another 2 bottles (8$ each) of O2 since they last not more than
15 minutes.

No affiliation, only a satisfied customer.
BTW, last time I used it was on this very same O2 sensor...
It worked.

Louis-Alain Richard
Montreal PQ, Canada
1983 Quattro 85-D-900463

>You can get a little torch kit at Home Depot or probably at any number
>hardware or home improvement stores.  It is a 2-tank affair with
>tank valves for regulating and mixing.
>The two tanks are the same size as a standard propane torch, except one
>the tanks is special with a left-hand thread for the oxygen.  For the
>tank I recommend MAP gas, though the torch kit may come with propane.
>MAP gas if you can.  MAP gas and Oxygen make a pretty hot little flame.
>oxygen tanks I have seen were red, propane tanks were blue or red, and
>gas has been yellow.

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