Cayenne vs Touareg

Cody Forbes cody at
Wed Dec 24 19:08:50 EST 2003

> This thread has reminded me of a question I have always had, but never
> been able to find a clear answer on: What is the inter-relationship of
> all the different V8s in the VAG/Porsche family?
> These are the ones I am wondering about:
> Porsche V8 #1: Used in the 928, various displacements and head
> configurations, but always the same foundation.
> Audi V8 #1: V8-V8. Unrelated to the Porsche, as far as I can tell by
> comparing bore, stroke, basic block design etc.
> Porsche V8 #2: Cayenne. Related to Porsche #1 or Audi #1 or #2? I don't

Cayenne V8 is unrekated to the 928, though I'm not familiar on the Audi V8.
The Cayenne is all aluminium, with a dry sump system that is self contained
in the block, very nifty.

> Audi V8 #2: Used in A8, A6 4.2, Tooregg. Related to Audi #1? I don't know.
> Does anybody have the straight dope on this? Does anybody else care?
> Generally, developing a whole new engine architecture is expensive, so
> companies borrow heavily from existing architectures like The I-4, or the
> I-5, or the 924 I-4, which is where I think the 928 V8 came from.

Correct the 928 is more or less 2 924s, and a 944 I-4 is nearly directly
half of a 928 which is why it has counterballances out the wazoo (2 ballance
shafts, plus huge balancing on the crank) and still has ballance problems.

-Cody Forbes
Black Forest Racing
'86 5ktq
'87 5ktq EFI
'88 80 4cyl

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