Under car fuel line mount retainers - How To?

Joshua Van Tol josh at spiny.com
Mon Dec 29 23:06:57 EST 2003

On Dec 29, 2003, at 4:58 PM, SJ wrote:
> **** Are you insane?!  Moi spending $300 on fuel tubing?
> I used copper refigeration tubing on my Dodge truck. $12 for 50 feet. 
> The
> fuel pressure is a bit higher on the audi, so copper may not work.
> I may get away without having to replace any tubing. But if I do, I 
> would
> rather buy the tubing and bender and flaring tool, and do it myself. 
> It is
> not rocket science.

Don't use copper though. It's not fully compatible with gasoline, and 
work hardens when subjected to vibration (such as might be experienced 
in a car) and can crack and leak. Steel tubing is much safer.

Chemically, gasoline has something in it that causes copper to corrode, 
and this corrosion can plug up your fuel system.

All in all, using copper in a fuel system is not a good idea.

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