Making a CQ from...nothing?

Carl Payne audi at
Wed Dec 31 02:06:19 EST 2003

Hi all,

First post, so some QUICK background.  First, I'm a bigmouth knowitall who
sacrifices tact for honesty, but I'm learning to play well with others and
have done VERY well at being civil the ENTIRE time I've been on parole,
so everybody should be safe.  :-)

I've had over 40 cars, and only recently (last 5 years or so) discovered
the JOY of working on a German car.  Wife & I drive diesel Benzes, my toy
is a 914 with a 2.7 on the workbench.  I worked for Chrysler for 8+ years,
now I'm a published author and still in I.T. for another couple years.

I've searched the FAQ and the list archives looking for answers to the
below questions and come up empty.  Hope you don't mind the breadth of
these questions--I'm just new to Audi and believe in turning bolts before
knowing their re-torque values.

My wife drives a Subaru XT6 in SCCA Rally competition.  We've decided
to change to something a bit less...frustrating to work on...before we
move to "open" class (or, more accurately, out of Group 2).

Last year, I began searching for a Coupe Quattro, either body style.  What
I learned was that this is a pretty collectible car, and caging the thing
up and abusing it regularly isn't the best idea.  So now, here comes the
meat of my post:

I'd like to get a coupe body and MAKE IT a 5-speed Quattro.  I'd also like
it to be reasonably correct WRT smog and passing tech (has to be an engine
offered in THAT car for THAT year, etc).

Coupes show up pretty regularly here in Los Angeles, rarely Quattros.

What is the "non-Quattro" body style I should be looking for?  90?  100?

What is the correct engine for a CQ?  Might it be a 2.3L ?  What is this
engine family's name, and what else did it appear in?

Is there a "hot setup" for this car, like an engine option that is rarer
(in a CQ) or better balanced, higher HP, etc?  Where would that engine be

Does a 4 or 5 cylinder engine HAVE TO BE from a Quattro to go in front of
a Quattro 5-speed?  Does the crankshaft have provision for a pilot
bearing, is what I'm asking.

Are all Quattro 5-speed transmissions the same?  If not, which one should
I be looking for (family, model, usual/common model found in, etc)?

Which rear end will fit?  Is the Quattro Coupe's width at issue, or can I
bolt in one from a 4K or a 5K or any Quattro.

I'll get a driveshaft made, so can I assume any Torsen diff will suffice?

Keep in mind modifications are expected.  My goal is to get one that will
bolt together relatively close to correct and give me CQ performance
without making people CRINGE when the driver doesn't hear "don't cut."

Are there any good books on racing or modifying Audi Quattros?

While I'm looking for all these components here in the Western US, the
intent of this post is to gather information.  Of that, all is appreciated
and I thank you in advance.



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