Stuck wheel bolt

Dave K. desmo888 at
Mon Feb 3 18:59:22 EST 2003

Get a 6-point impact socket and a breaker bar and a pipe to fit over the
breaker bar...
or go to a shop and have one of the mechanics hit it with a professional
grade impact gun.  Dicking around with out the right tools will just lead to
bitching up your wheel.

Dave K.
'90 CQ - antiseize coated wheel bolts all torqued to 80 lb-ft.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Eyvind Spangen" <eyvind.spangen at>
To: <quattro at>
Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 4:43 PM
Subject: Stuck wheel bolt

> Any good tips to remove a completely stuck wheel bolt? I damaged lots
> of tools today trying to remove it.. With an allot wheel, I don't know
> how I can heat it without damaging the wheel..
> --
> Eyvind Spangen

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