Stuck wheel bolt

Scott Fisher sfisher71 at
Mon Feb 3 17:54:27 EST 2003

--- Eyvind Spangen <eyvind.spangen at> wrote:
> Any good tips to remove a completely stuck wheel
> bolt?

I've always had better luck with leverage than with
heat or hand impact tools.  If you've got a pneumatic
impact wrench, that's also the right thing, but if
not, get a three-foot (meter-long) hunk of pipe that
will slip over the breaker bar.

I recently had a stuck bolt on my wife's 100CSQ that
wouldn't come off no matter what I did to it.  I
braced myself and pulled, I pushed with my arms, I
pushed with my legs, and nothing happened.  When
pushing on it with my legs shoved my, er, manly bulk
across the concrete floor, I knew I was in trouble.

Then I remembered this basic fact and turned to my
wife (who was helping) and said, "Who was the
strongest Greek?"

"Hercules?" she asked.

"Nope," I said, and got out my hunk of pipe (actually
a piece of the not-in-use racing exhaust system for my

"Eureka," she said, getting my reference.  Which of
course prompted me to recite the poem I was moved to
compose the first time I discovered the joys of the
hunk of pipe as a tool for freeing stuck bolts:

I'm greatly indebted to Archimedes:
Thanks to him, I don't have to eat my Wheaties.

Leverage wins every time, in my experience.

--Scott Fisher
  Tualatin, Oregon

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