Customer Service Action re: Ignition Coils

cobram at cobram at
Wed Feb 5 12:43:02 EST 2003

 "Wylie Bean" <TheRingmeister at> writes:
> For those of you that doubted VW/Audi's ethics and ultimate course
> of's to ya!

Yeah, right.  They had their backs against the wall and were dragged
kicking and screaming to do the right thing because of the bad press (as
predicted by some on this very list.)  When this kind of thing gets off
the "enthusiasts" mailing lists and publications and starts becoming
cooler talk among the masses, it's about that time that the company
starts to develop a "conscience."  What a coincidence their supplies
caught up enough for a total recall when it did.
My sister who works at a big five Law Firm says the bad coils (and the
family of six potentially being run over by an 18 wheeler because of it
etc.) was what everyone was talking about at her firm after the NYT
article came out.  As a fan of the products, it's obvious that the public
perception of the product and the company has taken a big hit on this
one.  Hopefully VAG will implement a company model for dealing with
issues like this in a transparent manner in the future,  if they had
implemented a general recall as soon as the problem was discovered, it
would have been maybe a one line announcement forgotten by the general
public at the bottom of the bird cage.


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