1990 90 20v q Intermittant Loss Of power

David Thoresen david at epicfoto.com
Wed Feb 5 14:53:39 EST 2003

Is your WOT switch working?  Or does it get depressed when you push the
gas all the way in?  If you find out what it is let me know!

1990 90Q 20v

On Tuesday, February 4, 2003, at 08:20 AM, Iain Atkinson wrote:

> Hi all,
> having finally replaced the defective knock sensor it's now decided that
> every now and again when i pull away in first gear to lose it's power re
> applying the throttle seems to cure the problem. It's not showing any
> faults
> in the ecu either to point me in the right direction.
> By the way it started doing this before i replaced the knock sensor.
> Iain
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