CGT Trunk release

Jim Bonnet jimbo at
Mon Feb 17 07:03:02 EST 2003

> Yesterday I decided to replace the trunk struts on my 87 CGT. Well,
> now my trunk won't unlock. My guess is that when I had the old shocks
> off and the trunk open, I opened the trunk too wide. The trunk was
> open so wide that it was resting on the rear windshield. So, is it
> safe to assume that I pulled the release cable loose or stretched it?
> When I flip the release lever, I can hear it doing stuff all the way
> back at the trunk, and I can feel tension on the release lever. It
> acts like I'm just not pulling the lever over far enough, but I am
> pulling it all the way to the stop. So, how can I get the trunk open
> to start looking for the loose cable? Any thoughts on what I may have
> done? The trunk release worked perfectly until I opened the trunk
> super wide to replace the struts... HELP!

It kinda sounds like the new struts don't have enough oomph to open the
lid far enough away from the striker plate.. If you hold the handle can
you get your wife to lift the lid and see if it will open? Did you put
the struts in the correct way? Dunno what happens if you put them on
upside down..


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