kh vs mc turbo engine differences.

scott thomas scott at
Wed Feb 19 08:16:09 EST 2003

[ Converted text/html to text/plain ]

I know alot of about the kh. I had one and have a technicians
training manual for "the new engine".
8.3-1 compression, single knock sensor, 2.1 liter. k26 oil cooled
turbo. Dual oil filters; one for the engine, a smaller for the
turbo. The second half of 85 added the water cooling feature. 140hp,
145 ft/lbs torque.
---- Begin Original Message ----
From: "Richard Hoffman" <billzcat1 at>
Sent: Tue, 18 Feb 2003 22:56:50 -0800
To: quattro at
Subject: Re: kh vs mc turbo engine differences.
Well, I hate to point out the obvious different, but if I don't,
maybe no
one will :)
The KH is 2.1L compared to the MC 2.2L.
I don't know a whole lot about 10v turbos but I know the MC has the
watercooler turbo whereas the KH has the oil-cooled turbo.
Also, I believe that MC motors used a single knock sensor where the
KH did
not have a knock sensor.  This is all based on what I've seen in the
junkyards, where 5000 turbos are becoming more and more common.
For the record, even in the yards, the injector cooling shroud is
broken... :)
Merry motoring!
2 non-turbo Audis: one with 20, one with 8 valves of fury
>From: John Booth <jrbooth3 at>
>Reply-To: jrbooth3 at
>To: Quattro <quattro at>
>Subject: kh vs mc turbo engine differences.
>Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2003 20:41:27 -0800 (PST)
>Are there any differences between the kh and mc
>besides the water cooled turbo and the ecu? The '85
>motor I just bought shows "kh 008 905" on the block
>but has the water cooled turbo and a hitachi ecu. It
>sounded original from the owner. I noticed the water
>tap on the upper radiator hose nipple on the block
>then the other line leaves the turbo and dumps into a
>frost plug there are also a couple oil lines. Did they
>switch to the water cooled turbo late in 85 model
>year? It also has the weird upper hose with the t in it.
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