Heed the Archives - Fuel Pump Mounts were Broken

siambisg at uchastings.edu siambisg at uchastings.edu
Mon Feb 24 19:09:44 EST 2003

My fuel pump died last week ('88 90q pump under car) but i ignored the advice i found in the archives about bringing spare fuel tray rubber mounts.  Of course, when I tried to undo the old mounts, two of them broke and so will the 3rd when i do try it .... _just as the archives predicted_   DOH!!

Moral of this Story:  bring all three replacement mounts when detaching the fuel tray from under the small cars; old mounts break b/c the nut will be seized on and ratcheting the seized nut just twists the rubber mount around until it separates into two pieces... :)  of course, these are dealer only and have to be ordered in....  :))

George Siambis
'88 90q

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