'Typ' of 4kq?

Mihnea Cotet mik at info.fundp.ac.be
Wed Feb 26 20:03:24 EST 2003

Huw, you're killing us :-)
It's prolly true that only the 4 banger cars were type 81, who knows? BUT
as far as I know, the European Audi 90 (old style body, not the type 89
ones) fwd is a type 81.

Just my 0.02,


At 13:56 26/02/2003 -0500, Huw Powell wrote:

>>The quattro models are typ 85 and the fwd models after
>>1985 (some of them with 4 cylinder engines IIRC) are
>>typ 81.
>I always thought the difference between type 81 and 85 was, strangely
>enough, the number of cylinders.  All coupes, UrQs, and 4kq's have 5
>cylinders, so are type 85.  Some (amost?) fwd 4k's are 4 cylinder and
>are type 81.
>Question... is a fwd, 5 cyl 4ks a type 81 or 85?  Anyone have a VIN on
>one they can look at?  Do many even exist?
>Huw Powell

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