4kq dead temp gauge...

Cade Carvell ccarvell at nbsusa.com
Thu Feb 27 10:38:17 EST 2003

You could just replace it... ;-)  I find it cheaper to replace, then to
try to test out bad, unless of course, you run a repair shop...;-)

Cade Carvell
National Business Systems, Inc.
2919 West Service Road
Eagan, MN 55121
Office: 651-994-4400

>>> "R Mangas" <porter_dog at hotmail.com> 02/27/03 08:58AM >>>

   What constitutes a valid test?  I confess that I've not looked at
bently; is there a plot of resistance vs. temp or some such?   After
trouble my thermo time switch gave me, I'd be pleased if it were *just*
bad sensor :)


>From: "Brady Moffatt" <bradym at sympatico.ca>
>To: "R Mangas" <porter_dog at hotmail.com>,<quattro at audifans.com>
>Subject: Re: 4kq dead temp gauge...
>Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2003 08:24:17 -0500
>Hi Robert,
>My solution was simple. Test the  gauge sender. It's the one on top of
>thermostat housing. Mine was crapola. Less than 40$CDN. One minute
job, and
>if you're really fast, you hardly lose any coolant.
>Brady Moffatt
>Montreal, Quebec, Canada
>86 4kq with 306,000km
>86 4kq parts car
>72 Datsun 240Z with 180,000 miles
>92 VW Golf with 198,000km FOR SALE
>in early stages of quattrosis accumulatus
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "R Mangas" <porter_dog at hotmail.com>
> >
> >    The dash water temp gauge in my '87 4kq seems to have given it's
> > twitch; it operated fine for a time, then became intermittant about
> > ago and now is deaddead.  Any BTDT's or diagnostic help?  A search
> > archives revealed lots of others who've HAD the problem but I
didn't see
> > solutions.
> >
> >   TIA,
> > Robert
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