4kq dead temp gauge...

Joshua Van Tol josh at spiny.com
Thu Feb 27 12:10:02 EST 2003

Or you could short the sensor wire to the block, which should cause the
gauge to show full hot. Or test it with a DMM. Simply measure the
resistance of the sensor, it should probably be in the range of 200
ohms to 10 k ohms. Don't know exactly what the spec is on those, but
most NTC type temperature sensors on imported cars fall in that range
at normal temperatures.

On Thursday, February 27, 2003, at 10:38  AM, Cade Carvell wrote:

> You could just replace it... ;-)  I find it cheaper to replace, then to
> try to test out bad, unless of course, you run a repair shop...;-)
> Cade Carvell
> National Business Systems, Inc.
> 2919 West Service Road
> Eagan, MN 55121
> Office: 651-994-4400
>>>> "R Mangas" <porter_dog at hotmail.com> 02/27/03 08:58AM >>>
>    What constitutes a valid test?  I confess that I've not looked at
> the
> bently; is there a plot of resistance vs. temp or some such?   After
> the
> trouble my thermo time switch gave me, I'd be pleased if it were *just*
> a
> bad sensor :)
> Thanks!
> R
>> From: "Brady Moffatt" <bradym at sympatico.ca>
>> To: "R Mangas" <porter_dog at hotmail.com>,<quattro at audifans.com>
>> Subject: Re: 4kq dead temp gauge...
>> Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2003 08:24:17 -0500
>> Hi Robert,
>> My solution was simple. Test the  gauge sender. It's the one on top of
> the
>> thermostat housing. Mine was crapola. Less than 40$CDN. One minute
> job, and
>> if you're really fast, you hardly lose any coolant.
>> Cheers,
>> Brady Moffatt
>> Montreal, Quebec, Canada
>> 86 4kq with 306,000km
>> 86 4kq parts car
>> 72 Datsun 240Z with 180,000 miles
>> 92 VW Golf with 198,000km FOR SALE
>> in early stages of quattrosis accumulatus
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "R Mangas" <porter_dog at hotmail.com>
>>>    The dash water temp gauge in my '87 4kq seems to have given it's
> last
>>> twitch; it operated fine for a time, then became intermittant about
> a
>> week
>>> ago and now is deaddead.  Any BTDT's or diagnostic help?  A search
> of
>> the
>>> archives revealed lots of others who've HAD the problem but I
> didn't see
>> any
>>> solutions.
>>>   TIA,
>>> Robert
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