Power steering . . .UPDATE & Question

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Thu Jan 9 20:04:14 EST 2003

At 10:54 PM 01/09/2003 +0100, Helge Wunderlich wrote:
>On Tue, 7 Jan 2003 13:55:46 -0500, "Ice Cat      ^. .^" wrote:
> >My husband took everything apart and the lines and filters are clear.
> >It seems that there is a little pressure valve of some sort inside
> >the power steering pump and if that is off a little bit the steering
> >will get a little more heavy.
>I'm no expert, but from my "research", I have concluded that this
>valve is a pure overpressure valve which is normally fully closed. It
>will make a hissing/howling sound when it opens. Try turning the
>steering all the way over to one side and then hold it against the end
>stop with some force. You'll hear the sound of the hydraulic oil
>rushing through the overpressure valve.

That's probably the best way to blow the seals in the power steering
rack.  You NEVER want to hold an Audi  steering rack against a stop for ANY
length of time.

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