Replaced CV half shaft, now wheel is binding...

Dave C conner at
Fri Jan 10 19:17:11 EST 2003

I only meant to ask whether you remembered to put it under the nut.  I
don't see any reason to use a new one.
Dave C.

At 05:40 PM 1/10/2003 -0500, Craig D. Niederst wrote:
>I did not replace that washer, just re-used the old one. Is that a no-no?
>The CV boot kits that I had bought previously came with a new axle nut, but
>not a new washer, so I assumed it was OK to re-use it. Bentley only pictures
>the washer you mentioned, but does not say if it is safe to re-use or not.
>'92 100S (101k)
>'86 CGT (221k)
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Dave C" <conner at>
>To: <niederst at>
>Cc: <quattro at>
>Sent: Friday, January 10, 2003 10:10 AM
>Subject: Replaced CV half shaft, now wheel is binding...
>> "If I back the axle nut off a couple of turns, the wheel spins freely. Any
>> clue to why the wheel is binding? The wheel spun freely before the CV
>> was replaced. TIA."
>> Craig,
>> Did you replace the thick washer under the nut?
>> I wonder if the bearing suffered damage?
>> Dave C.

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