The inline five's back.

Brett Dikeman brett at
Mon Jan 13 22:27:24 EST 2003

At 7:57 PM -0500 1/13/03, Ed Birch wrote:
>  >>Ed Birch wrote:
>>  >  > chain instead of a timing belt (as on the new compact V8)
>>  >
>>  >It's about time a chain was used; no more broken belts and expen$$$$$ive
>>  >repairs.
>>  >Now let's see the chain go into the gasoline motor!!
>At which time, Brett Dikeman replied:
>>  Which part of "timing belt (as on the new compact V8)" did you miss?
>>  :-)
>Apparently all of it, however I didn't miss all the A-4 and A-6 broken
>timing belts among friends and co-workers. Broken belts at 50-70K mileage
>resulting in destroyed motors.

DOH! (Slaps head). I saw "belt" and read "chain".  All the "compact"
v8's are rear-chain, not rear-belt.

Time to say good night before I get myself in more trouble...

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin

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