hard cold starting

Ron Wainwright ron_01056 at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 14 07:50:12 EST 2003


  It's just that you mentioned it in a post you sent
to the list on hard cold starting, but you saie there
is no thermo-time switch for these cars know. I'm
confused. It mentiones in the Haynes I have for the 5k
84-88 that the thermo-time switch energises the cold
start valve for a short time.
 Anyways I did replace those sensors with the one
ones next to the PS pump braket and the other one is a
little further down the block, ISV control and ECU
control like you saied.

 I've gotta check the warm-up regulator & cold start
valve next my car is having a hard time starting cold
as of late. Do you have any aditional advise on where
to start,
 I have to help the gas pedal to keep the car started
when the car is cold or the car will die, but after a
few minutes it idles around 800

Was just confused by all the terms for sensors and
such from what the books saie and from what people
87 5ksq non turbo(original owner) 234k euros,white
corners,fuchs,eibach prokit,boge turbogas,strut
bar,200power leather sport seat conversion from grey
MANUAL cloth
90 200tqa 214k IA stageII,2.0 bar,20V rear brake

--- Ti Kan <ti at amb.org> wrote:
> Ron Wainwright writes:
> >   Where is the thermo-time switch located?
> > Thanks for any input.
> On the type 44 turbo cars, there is no thermo-time
> switch.  The
> cold start valve is ECU activated based on coolant
> temp.  There is
> a coolant temp sensor screwed into the engine,
> either near
> the top coolant hose flange, or behind the cylinder
> head.  It has
> only one wire attached to it (grounded through the
> block).  Check
> your Bentley.
> -Ti
> 2003 A4 1.8T multitronic
> 2001 S4 biturbo 6-sp
> 1984 5000S turbo
> 1980 4000 2.0 5-sp
> --
>     ///  Ti Kan                Vorsprung durch
> Technik
>    ///   AMB Laboratories, Sunnyvale, CA. USA
>   ///    ti at amb.org
>  //////  http://www.amb.org/ti/
> ///

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