"Brake pads worn" warning light question

TEX TERRY, II texactii at csonline.net
Wed Jan 15 11:07:44 EST 2003

From: Bruce Damiani -
Recently, I noticed the "brake pads worn" warning light on
my '92 100CS Quattro started coming on intermittently.  I
also noticed that when the warning light wasn't on, I could
get it to come on by honking the horn.  After replacing the
front pads (1/4 life remaining), the light still came on.
The rear pads have half the life remaining.  Any suggestions
on what else could be causing the warning light to still
come on when the engine is started?

Since the brake pad warning circuit is being activated when you activate
the horn circuit, look for any deteriation of the wires in the wiring
harness.  Look to see if the wires, for the brake circuit, are bare and
touching the wires of the horn circuit.

Tex Terry, II
83 5kt sedan (non-quattro)
Franklin, PA  USA

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