Sylvania 9004 ST in Audi 200?

duandcc_forums at duandcc_forums at
Fri Jan 17 10:00:56 EST 2003

I found a great source for high quality plug and play relay harnesses (BLAU sells ones like them, but charges WAY too much). I suggest checking out They are very nice and very reasonable (under $50 shipped). The maker is very willing to do custom ones, like 9004 input  to H4 output.

Also, I have heard good things about "converting" your stock 9004 headlights to 9007. My understanding is that the only thing you have to do is ben a metal tab out of the way and use the appropriate connector on your harness. 9007 bulbs have a vastly superior low beam patter, high is about the same, but they still won't be as good as E-codes. But for the person looking for better lighting on a budget, it's something to consider. Plus you could use one of the custom relays mentioned above to run your 9007 bulbs, and even run high wattage (75-100 watt) 9007s.

As for the Sylvania Silverstars...don't do it. I tried a set in my CGT, and took them back the next day. They seemed DIMMER than my standard (and old) 9004s. The European Osram Silverstars (Osram is the Euro brother of Sylvania), from what I've heard on Club B5, is VASTLY superior to the Sylvania version (no clue what the difference is).

1987 Coupe GT Special Build
SE Virginia
> From: "Lino M. Valadas" <l.valadas at>
> Date: 2003/01/16 Thu PM 10:42:15 EST> To: "Dave Arkle" <dave at>,  <quattro at>
> Subject: Re: Sylvania 9004 ST in Audi 200?
> I installed higher wattage Xenon bulbs on my 89 200q.  I did use relays (2
> per side. Overkill).  No damage to the sockets after one year.
> Is it brighter?  Yes.  Can you see further out?  Only a slight improvement.
> Probably not worth the cost (relays bulbs wires etc.) and the time I spent
> on it.  If you plan to keep the car for a while and want good lighting go
> with the Euros.  I went that way with my Ur-q and do not regret it.
> HTH>
> Lino
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Dave Arkle" <dave at>
> To: <quattro at>
> Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2003 9:40 PM
> Subject: Re: Sylvania 9004 ST in Audi 200?
> > This question leads me to a f/u. In many cars in the past, I have
> installed
> > hi-wattage bulbs in the OEM buckets without problems. Is this something
> that
> > I can do in my 5ktq also? Has anyone experienced problems doing this?
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > Dave Arkle> > DoD #11011
> > 96 Daytona 1200
> > 84 V65 Sabre> > 67 Buick LeSabre> > 87 Audi 5KTQ> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Benjamin Weste Pearre" <bwpearre at>
> > To: <quattro at>
> > Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2003 8:30 PM
> > Subject: Sylvania 9004 ST in Audi 200?
> >
> >
> > Hi, I'm back again, now with 175k miles on my 1990 200AQ, and the
> > headlights are _still_ too dim.
> >
> > I've seen some posts about using a relay to draw juice straight off
> > the battery, but I haven't done this yet.  I assume it's not hard -
> > anything I should know?
> >
> > I was at my local car-parts store, trying to get a couple of new
> > headlight bulbs (they seem to get dimmer over time, or is it my eyes?)
> > and the guy in the store recommended Sylvania's 9004ST, "Silverstar".
> > They cost $20 each, but he claimed that they're much brighter than my
> > current bulbs.  I don't know why they would be - they draw 45/65 watts
> > as before - but I assume he knows what he's talking about.  Worthwhile?
> >
> > If not, Sylvania also makes 9004 Long Life bulbs - are _these_ worth
> > it?  Or should I stick to the standard ones?
> >
> > Cheers!
> > -Ben
> >
> > --
> > bwpearre at       
> >
> >

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