Ideas for picking up the broken 90Q

Joel A. Frahm frahm at jilau1.Colorado.EDU
Fri Jan 17 17:30:56 EST 2003

Thanks for the suggestions.  I have been doing some checking, and seems to think there are lots of cars that share that control
arm.  I might be able to get one pretty cheaply, along with related parts
and see if I can get them installed.  Maybe I can get the mechanic on the
scene to lift of the front of the car and check underneath to assess the
damage, see if I need bolts, tie rod, control arm, or what.  If things are
really bent I'll be back to junking it.  Otherwise at that point I either
talk him into fixing it and selling it, or fixing it and me picking it
up.  I thought about driving out there with the parts and a dolly (or a
friend) and seeing if he can fix it while I soak in the hot springs or ski
Telluride.  Shipping him the parts would be smarter though, then I could
go out there and get it once it's mobile.

I still wonder if I'd be spending $300 to fix a car that would then be
worth $500, and the trouble and risk is probably not worth $200.
Gas alone would be $75.  A night's stay somewhere and I'm quickly in the
red.  Plus I owe a $75 towing bill.

Looks like my best bet is to get the mechanic interested in fixing it and
selling it himself.  Maybe I can get him to just keep it and forgive the
towing bill.

Joel Frahm <frahm at>
University of Colorado, JILA

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