Return to idle problem '88 80q

Huw Powell human747 at
Mon Jan 20 21:34:42 EST 2003

> When you drive around and shift at 3000, the rpm's do not drop right away as
> you take your foot off the gas, it kind of hangs at 3000 (even goes a little
> higher)and slowly comes down. If you take it up to 3000 and just hold it
> there for a few seconds then shift the rpm's will drop as expected, quickley
> to below 2000 then slowly back to a idle. This is NOT a problem with the
> throtle cable or the 'Deceleration damper'.
> The 80q is in proper tune but it does feel like it has a 200# flywheel.
> What should I be looking at?

perhaps the throttle butterfly is sticky and not slapping shut quickly
like it should?  primary or secondary...

Huw Powell

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