Return to idle problem '88 80q

Mike Robinson quattrofan at
Mon Jan 20 20:09:46 EST 2003

I wish I could say good things about them, but I can't.
I won a set of the Euro smoked tail lights for my typ 89 on ebay.
While, the quality of the lights is sufficient (I am yet to install or
test), my experience with them was poor.

They initially claimed that they found a crack in one of the lights and that
they had to order a whole new set from "Germany".  Whether they were cracked
or not, I will never know.  I had arranged to pick up the lights from them
because they are close to me in SoCal.  I got an email from them telling me
about the cracks the day I was to pick them up.

He claimed they were being express shipped from "Germany" and would ship
them to me for free, which was nice.  I had not heard anything from them for
over a week.  Keep in mind I paid them the day I won the auction.  When I
called them, they told me they got them that day and would ship them out the
following Monday and I would have them on Tuesday.  I still had nothing the
next Friday, which prompted another call from me.  This time they apologized
for basically "forgetting."  I finally got the lights about 4 weeks after I
had won and paid for the auction.

All in all it was a pain in the ass to deal with them.  I would not do
business with them again because I felt like I was being lied to the entire
time for not having them in stock.

I do recommend Alex Van Gerbig (sp?) although he sells original Hella and
Cibie parts from Germany.  They are more expensive but he emails you
everytime he finds out something about the shippment telling you exactly
where it is etc..
His sight is

Best of luck,

Mike Robinson
88 90q 247,500mi

On 1/20/03 5:02 PM, "MXHOWES at" <MXHOWES at> wrote:

> When you drive around and shift at 3000, the rpm's do not drop right away as
> you take your foot off the gas, it kind of hangs at 3000 (even goes a little
> higher)and slowly comes down. If you take it up to 3000 and just hold it
> there for a few seconds then shift the rpm's will drop as expected, quickley
> to below 2000 then slowly back to a idle. This is NOT a problem with the
> throtle cable or the 'Deceleration damper'.
> The 80q is in proper tune but it does feel like it has a 200# flywheel.
> What should I be looking at?
> Thanks, Jim

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