K26-K27 Hybrid turbo question

Mihnea Cotet mik at info.fundp.ac.be
Sun Jan 26 23:37:40 EST 2003


Sell it to me for the same price and I'll tell'ya :-))))
More seriously, it depends a lot on which engine you intend to run the
turbo (which you didn't mention BTW), on a 20v engine, you'll have boost by
2800 RPM and serious boost from 3000-3300 RPM-on. I don't really know what
it will feel like in a 10vt, you'll probably have boost earlier IMHO but no
experience. If the hot-side comes from an Audi K26, you can expect the same
spool-up and boost response as with a plain stock MC-1 K26 but with much
more air flow at the same pressure..

HTH somehow,


At 14:24 26/01/2003 -0800, Aaron Gibson wrote:
>Anybody on the list have any experiance with the K26-K27 Hybrid turbos?
>I just picked up a brand new one on E-bay for $162.00 and wanted to know
>what to expect.

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