K26-K27 Hybrid turbo question

Aaron Gibson crankshaft at adelphia.net
Sun Jan 26 15:47:55 EST 2003


I'll be running it on an MC-1 motor in a 4000Q.  I think the K-26/27
hybrid  would work better in a 10V than in a 20V. I crew for a rally
team that is running a 20V with a T-3 T04 and the car is really doggy
until he hits around 4000 rpm ,but it really pulls  to8000-8500. I
believe Audi had it right using the smaller K-24 with the 20V S cars. It
seems like they react quick in the lower rpm range and when the car
builds revs the engine takes over. My last turbo project (Javads
website) had a 4000Q lower end and an 80Q head with the T-3 T04 turbo. I
was hitting max boost at 1800 rpm and it would pull right to the redline
with no problem. I'm sure the mild port job helped alot.  Anyway this
time I'm doing the super cheap ghetto conversion using  whatever I can
find. So far I've got a free motor ,cheap hybrid ($162),free S4
injectors, free fuel pressure reg from an S4,and a ford probe
intercooler($40). All I need right now is a fuel system and a clutch kit.

Mihnea Cotet wrote:

> Aaron;
> Sell it to me for the same price and I'll tell'ya :-))))
> More seriously, it depends a lot on which engine you intend to run the
> turbo (which you didn't mention BTW), on a 20v engine, you'll have
> boost by
> 2800 RPM and serious boost from 3000-3300 RPM-on. I don't really know
> what
> it will feel like in a 10vt, you'll probably have boost earlier IMHO
> but no
> experience. If the hot-side comes from an Audi K26, you can expect the
> same
> spool-up and boost response as with a plain stock MC-1 K26 but with much
> more air flow at the same pressure..
> HTH somehow,
> Mihnea
> At 14:24 26/01/2003 -0800, Aaron Gibson wrote:
>> Anybody on the list have any experiance with the K26-K27 Hybrid turbos?
>> I just picked up a brand new one on E-bay for $162.00 and wanted to know
>> what to expect.
>> Regards,
>> Aaron

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