Fumoto Drain Plugs Group Purchase - Final Pricing

Charlie Smith charlie at elektro.cmhnet.org
Thu Jan 30 09:28:55 EST 2003

This is copied to the Quattro and V8 lists from the S-Car list.
For info please email thecyberpoet at cyberpoet.net (Marc Glasgow) - NOT ME <<!>>

From: Marc Glasgow <thecyberpoet at cyberpoet.net>
To: s-car-list at audifans.com, v6-12v at audifans.com
Subject: [s-cars] Final Pricing: Fumoto Drain Plugs

** Somebody please bounce this over to the Quattro list as well (I'm
not subscribed there).

Bill Spencer (spencergirls at juno.com) has arranged the best pricing I've
found (thanks to the virtue of being a dealer now I suspect, but
whatever works).

Our Audi group pricing through Bill is as follows:

T207 (26mm)  and F106 (14mm), $20 check/money order/paypal, per valve,
includes shipping to any US Destination.
FG8 (V8 and A8 - 25mm), $23 check/money order/paypal, per valve,
includes shipping to any US destination.

That racks up to a 25.8% discount!

Paypal account is spencergirls at juno.com .

Checks go to:
Bill Spencer
11980 112th Ave NE, Suite 230
Bellevue, WA 98004

Specify correct valve and mailing address when paying via any method.
and concerns should now be directed to Bill instead of me (he gets the
wonderful chore of handling all this -- thank him). If
you are outside the US, get in contact with me about getting it
reshipped by me directly to you.

Please note: I am not affiliated with Bill in any sense other than
knowing him through this list.
Also note: I am not affiliated with Fumoto in any sense (period) other
than my attempt to arrange a GP.

Best Wishes,
=-= Marc Glasgow
    thecyberpoet at cyberpoet.net

Audi Sizing Chart again:

80/80 Quattro('88-'92), 90/90 Quattro('88-'91), 100/100
Quattro('89-'91), 200/200 Quattro('89-'91)      Model F-106

90/90 Quattro('90-'91 20 valve), 100/100 Quattro('92-'94), 200
Quattro('90-'91 20 valve)       Model T-207

V8 Quattro('90-'94), A8/A8 Quattro('97-on)      Model FG-8

S4('92-'94), S6('95-''97), Cabriolet('94-'98), A4/A4 Quattro(4
cyl.-upto '96), A6/A6 Quattro('95-'96)  Model T-207

S4('00-on), S6('01-on), A4/A4 Quattro(V6), A6/A6 Quattro('97-on)
Model F-106

All other late AUDI models except A4/A4 Quattro(4 cyl. - '97 & on)
Model F-106

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