FW: Diff plugs and welders

Livolsi, Stephane Stephane.Livolsi at investorsgroup.com
Thu Jul 3 16:15:12 EDT 2003

are we talking arc welding here, or a torch?
If arc, do you have to take any precautions to protect the ECU?

> ----------
> From:
> Eric_R_Kissell at whirlpool.com[SMTP:Eric_R_Kissell at whirlpool.com]
> Sent: 	July 3, 2003 1:01 PM
> To: 	Livolsi, Stephane
> Subject: 	Re: FW: Diff Seals
> "Livolsi, Stephane" <Stephane.Livolsi at investorsgroup.com> wrote:
> >WTF do you do when you can't get the fill plug out because it is
> >...."rounded off, and stuck and absolutely nothing that you do - heat,
> >BFhammer, etc will get it out"?
> Weld the wrench into the plug.  This not only lets you turn the plug, but
> the heat from welding may loosen things up.
> HTH,
> Eric Kissell

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