Happy 4th . . . and

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Fri Jul 4 17:24:20 EDT 2003

I've bought a few of the hood shocks on eBay at 25-50% less than
wholesale.  They even had the purdy OEM rings on them.

Don't know exactly what a "trunk hood spring" is, but if you mean the
trunk lid springs, shouldn't be more than a couple bucks at the bone
yard.  What's wrong with them?  Curios, because I've never seen a set go
bad, the factory trunk springs in my '84 5KS still work like new.


"Cat      ^. .^  ~" <iceisit at earthlink.net> writes:
> Hi Everyone -
> Hope you are enjoying our great holiday.
> We need to replace both the trunk hood springs and the cylinders
> which keep the front hood front slamming on one's fingers.
> Is there anywhere to get these other than the dealership ?    Thanks

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