Didi and Audi parts

Frank Stadmeyer stadmef at ntplx.net
Sat Jul 12 01:22:04 EDT 2003

Brett is correct, as I was typing Clair, I was thinking Clair Parts
Express.  I should have been specific.

Too long a week, too late at night (that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!)


At 12:02 AM -0400 7/12/03, Brett Dikeman wrote:
>At 8:33 PM -0700 7/11/03, auditude at cox.net wrote:
>>You're making it sound like we don't have Clair Audi.  Do we not
>>have Clair Audi anymore?
>>Or, is that not a comparable discount to the former Carlsen one?
>Not Clair, Clair Parts Express.
>They are two ENTIRELY separate entities.  One is a wholesaler, the
>other is a dealer- they're in different buildings, opposite ends of
>the Clair lot.  If you call the dealer parts department, you won't
>get nearly as good a price- nor will you get Mac's sense of humor :-)

Personally I would have three reservations in dealing with Didi at
her new employer.

At 11:46 PM -0400 7/11/03, Frank Stadmeyer wrote:
>I use Clair a lot and being in Conn. with them in Boston, the
>delivery is pretty quick.  Work with Mac and tell him you're with the
>Audi list.  As a matter of fact I'm going to see about getting a part
>for the family Toyota PU we use for dump runs that we leave at our
>house on Long Island.
>You can either send an email to his attention with a list of what you
>need or call and ask for him, you'll probably get his voicemail but
>just leave a detailed message about what you need and he'll research
>it and get back to you.  I have worked with others at Clair when Mac
>wasn't there and while they did take care of me it didn't go quite as
>smoothly as it has with Mac.
>Mac knows Dan and I a little- maybe I'll talk to him about setting up
>a little extra discount for qlisters...
>"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
>safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin


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