Didi and Audi parts

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Sat Jul 12 08:41:23 EDT 2003

I buy everything Audi long-distance because the local stealer is just that.

I've been going between Didi, Barry Belt at Clair, Scott Mockry (to help
support his website when his price is close) and Rod Ramsey at TPC.  Didi
has had better or equal prices (including shipping to me) on numerous
dealer-only items that Rod and Scott can't provide anyway.  Clair has had
parts Didi couldn't get right away.  Clair occasionally has the better
dealer-only item price.  Their shipping is no better than Didi's, at least
for me in the middle of the country between the two.  For example, I
ordered some parts a week ago Thursday from Clair.  They told me they would
ship on Tuesday.  I'll get 'em next week Monday or Tuesday.

At 12:22 AM 07/12/2003 -0400, Frank Stadmeyer wrote:

>Brett is correct, as I was typing Clair, I was thinking Clair Parts
>Express.  I should have been specific.
>Too long a week, too late at night (that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!)
>At 12:02 AM -0400 7/12/03, Brett Dikeman wrote:
>>At 8:33 PM -0700 7/11/03, auditude at cox.net wrote:
>>>You're making it sound like we don't have Clair Audi.  Do we not
>>>have Clair Audi anymore?
>>>Or, is that not a comparable discount to the former Carlsen one?
>>Not Clair, Clair Parts Express.
>>They are two ENTIRELY separate entities.  One is a wholesaler, the
>>other is a dealer- they're in different buildings, opposite ends of
>>the Clair lot.  If you call the dealer parts department, you won't
>>get nearly as good a price- nor will you get Mac's sense of humor :-)
>Personally I would have three reservations in dealing with Didi at
>her new employer.
>At 11:46 PM -0400 7/11/03, Frank Stadmeyer wrote:
>>I use Clair a lot and being in Conn. with them in Boston, the
>>delivery is pretty quick.  Work with Mac and tell him you're with the
>>Audi list.  As a matter of fact I'm going to see about getting a part
>>for the family Toyota PU we use for dump runs that we leave at our
>>house on Long Island.
>>You can either send an email to his attention with a list of what you
>>need or call and ask for him, you'll probably get his voicemail but
>>just leave a detailed message about what you need and he'll research
>>it and get back to you.  I have worked with others at Clair when Mac
>>wasn't there and while they did take care of me it didn't go quite as
>>smoothly as it has with Mac.
>>Mac knows Dan and I a little- maybe I'll talk to him about setting up
>>a little extra discount for qlisters...
>>"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
>>safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin

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