Vacuum system question
Yoder, Doug
yoderw at
Mon Jul 14 13:52:31 EDT 2003
Well, the reason I asked is 'cause the 4-way pipe in my wagon is just a
pipe now, no valves of any sort... I mentioned before that when the car
died, it backfired twice - my fiancee thought that it sounded like
something breaking, not a backfire.
So a new question would be: if a little rubber flap came flying off the
inside of the vacuum system, where would it end up? In the camshaft case?
james accordino wrote:
> My 89 200q has one in one of the 4 branches. Looks
> like a straight PCV valve. It is the cranckcase
> venting. I also wondered what that valves function
> was exactly.
> Jim Accordino
> --- Doug Yoder <yoderw at> wrote:
>>Re de-bugging my dead '87 5kS wagon...
>>There is a 4-way connector on top of the valve
>>cover/cam cover... it
>>connects to the ISV, the cam cover, and has hoses
>>making a couple other
>>connections. I believe this is part of the
>>"crankcase ventilation".
>>Question: is this 4-way connector supposed to have a
>>one-way valve inside
>>of it? If so, where can I get a new one and how
>>much should I expect to
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